Are You Scared Of Becoming Irrelevant Too?

John O
3 min readJan 18, 2020

One of the biggest fears of the world that we live in is irrelevancy. This is the most apparent from the biggest social media stars, but trickles down to the smallest of followings that we have. At the end of the day, whether we have 20 people following our social accounts, or 2000000, we care about our relevancy. If we don’t post for a month, do we exist anymore? The initial feeling is, no not really.

And this is only exacerbated when people say they feel like they haven’t seen us in forever, and then asked what happened to us, when it’s because we haven’t posted on social media in a while.

This pressure to stay relevant, and in a particular manner, is handicapping our ability to actually be present, and be relevant to people that we are actually with in the moment we are living in.

Our fear of being irrelevant on social media, tends to make us irrelevant in person. It’s a black hole that we keep going further and further into, as immense pressure develops.

Our Phones Become Our Minds

Slowly our phones have become us, the version of us to our friends, and family, and strangers, future lovers. We meet on our phones, talk on our phones, consume our favorite content on our phones, pretty soon do we just become our phones?

Kind of feels like the world we are transitioning to is one where bodies are ghosts, zombies, capsules… our phones become our real selves. The self that we put out into the world, it becomes our mind.

Our minds are all then connected

I’ve always had tinge of a feeling that when I dream, or sometimes even day dream, I am connected to a network of other people’s minds. Have you ever had that feeling? Think of a time maybe where you had been thinking of someone you haven’t thought of in a while, and then they text you or call you. It’s a beautiful moment in my opinion. And this goes into when I dream. I have the most vivid dreams, most of which I remember. Are the people in my dreams people out there? Do they have some type of meaning?

Now, answer is of course probably not, it’s a thought that has me curious though.

I digress. As I sit here typing this on my phone. I realize how much more my point is being made to myself. Our phones are truly extensions of us, and our minds. We are more comfortable with our phones than most of our friends. Oh we aren’t? Then why are we all sitting on our phones when we’re out to dinner now? Our phones are more interesting friends than our real friends. Why? It’s our brain, connected to many other brains at any given moment. We can feed it any information that we want, we barely have to try anymore to learn or talk about new information. We are all as relevant to each other as we are consistent with the outreach of our mind, our phones. Our social media. Our brains.

I think we are all slowly realizing this, and how detrimental it may be in the future. For as much good as it brings bad. It’s a future of a very large war, against all of our minds in our hands, for a fleeting sense of belonging, of relevancy.



John O

Speaks the mind, off the cuff a lot of the time, not many edits either.